Thursday, October 4, 2007


Hi and Welcome to my blog! Here's some information about myself. I grew up in Westlake Village, California. I graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in Broadcast journalism. My first T-V job was a reporter at the ABC Station in Peoria, Illinois. From there I returned to Arizona in 1995 as a reporter at CBS 5 news. I married in 1996. I have two children! You see their picture here. Morgan (2) and Alexis (4). You see me on the CBS 5 news between 4:30am and 7:00am. The Station has been very supportive of my other job "MOM." I work part time so I can spend more time with the girls. I get up at 1:30 each morning, and then I'm home by 9:30 and that's when the real work starts. Playgroups, dance and swim class, trips to the zoo, naps, breaking up fights, etc. I don't sleep much, but I don't want to miss out on anything.
I love to travel. During college I studied at the University of London, Bloomsbury. I've traveled all over Europe on my own. Some of my favorite areas: St. Petersburg, Russia. The Greek Islands, and Prague. My travels of recent have been Disneyland and Sea World (boy have times changed). When I have free time which is almost never, I love going to the Spa! Massages, facials anything. Ahhhhhh!
See you soon!!!!

Posted at 8:17 AM by Marya Piani